Platforms for the future

A platform is something to build on. It’s a solid foundation. It’s safe. It’s re-usable. In short, it’s a responsible way of doing IT.

Our platforms put you on a fast track to successful digital transformation


Our technical platforms have been rigorously tested across hundreds of critical solutions, each consisting of a set of configurable standard systems which can either be implemented individually or combined to meet the specific needs of an organisation.

Together, they form the backbone of our strategy of re-use, and they ensure a high degree of reliability across all client collaborations.

Netcompany platforms

»I strongly believe that there are no IT-solutions that cannot be built using these platforms«

André Rogaczewski, CEO Netcompany


Connect the moving parts of your business in a real-time data engine that drives growth.


Orchestrate process automation and case management in your business environment.


Connect your business to other businesses, governments, and citizens through intelligent and dynamic services.


Enhance productivity.
Stay independent.
Thrive in the Age of AI.

Our platforms are easily customi­sable, rapidly deployable, and AI-ready.



Project highlights