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Make a difference.
Join Netcompany.

Do you want to be at the forefront of digital transformation, helping to build smarter, more connected and sustainable societies? Now is your chance!

We'll help you excel

Are you just finding a foothold? Or perhaps you are ready to take on greater responsibility. Let's find the right path for you.
»What really drew me to Netcompany was the opportunity to work on large-scale global projects. Becoming a part of an international company, working in cross-border teams, and speaking English daily was very appealing to me.«
Trần Minh Triết


Netcompany Academy

A unique learning environment and the industry’s best career development opportunities

Annually, our Netcompany Academy offers




Pop-up sessions


Hours of training

We enable you to play a crucial role in accelerating digital transform­ation in public and private enterprises, making a difference to societies, businesses and the environment.