Escape the shackles of legacy software and vendor lock-in

Escape the shackles of legacy software and vendor lock-in

The days of “one size fits all” are over. Harness the power of composability to reduce system complexity, operational cost and vendor dependency. Reclaim control of your solutions and data, and increase your competitiveness in the market.

Building for change and competitive advantage

In order to thrive in the digital age, companies need a completely different level of adaptability and resilience. This requires an ability to configure for an unknown future based on a flexible and composable IT stack with no hard vendor lock-ins.

The challenge

Costly legacy and one-size-fits-all software systems imprison organisations — hampering agility and making it difficult for them to achieve a competitive advantage, build resilience, and keep operational cost low.

By relying only on one or a few one-size-fits-all standard software packages, you will get only standard results.

The solution

A composable software architecture empowers organisations to move from all-in-one to highly-customizable and flexible, ‘best of need’ applications prepared for future needs.

It’s about reducing complexity and the deadlock of long-term software licenses – freeing up resources to be invested in developing your business, rather than merely maintaining it.

The reward

Composability releases you from vendor lock-in, putting you back in ownership of your solutions and data. You only use, and pay for, the software that you need – and everything can be scaled and modified at will, boosting your resilience and giving you a level of agility that enables you to meet your customers’ needs before they become apparent even to themselves.

Complex transformation projects like the ones we excel at will always attract the brightest minds, and with Netcompany as your partner, you can rest assured that only the most skilled people in the industry will be dedicated to the project, ensuring that you hit the target without detours.

The future is composable

What is a composable enterprise?

Companies want to keep innovating and create highly valuable and differentiated products/services to their customers and with low operational costs.

This requires an ability to configure for an unknown future based on a flexible and composable IT stack with no hard vendor lock-ins.

A composable enterprise is an organisation that delivers business outcomes and adapts to the pace of business change by delivering results through interchangeable building blocks.

The building blocks of composability

A composable enterprise can be assembled and reassembled using independent, flexible modules — each serving a specific business function. In recent years, these have become widely available in the market at much more affordable prices compared to their counterparts contained within big software packages.

The payoff

Instead of having to commit to an expansive software package of which you may only need 20%, you can pick and choose (and pay for) only what you need. Access to the code is provided too and there are no license costs, paving the way for vendor independence and optimal configuration.

The journey is worth the destination

For the composable enterprise to work, complexity and legacy needs to be significantly reduced, while breaking up the layers in the system landscape — transforming them into interconnected modules performing only the tasks they were designed to.

The payoff

What you get in return is no longer a pre-integrated, rigid catch-all suite – but rather an ecosystem of self-contained modules. This modular design enables you to “recompose” when needed, increasing your competitiveness while strengthening your resilience to changing business environments.

Introducing the Composable Enterprise Framework

Over the last 20+ years, we have built a strong reputation for successfully delivering complex transformation projects to large enterprises across Europe.

Using this experience, we can help businesses from all industry sectors offload their legacy onto new and modern platforms with optimised processes, data-driven culture and a customer-centric business model.

The Composable Enterprise Framework enables companies to change and innovate quickly and get ahead of competition.

What's in it for you?

  • Best-of-need, legacy free solutions that reduce complexity, costs and vendor lock-in
  • A unique delivery model that enhances your digital maturity and independence
  • Access to our portfolio of 200+ future-proofed modules and accelerators that can speed up time to market for new solutions
  • Combine standard software with individual modules to fit your company’s needs – now and in the future
  • 20+ years of cross-industry domain experience ensures that you hit the target without detours

»The digital winners of tomorrow don't seek to merely solve the challenges they have today. They build for change and the challenges ahead.«

André Rogaczewski

CEO & Co-founder, Netcompany

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Thomas Cordth

Partner, Private sector