Netcompany launches the AI solution EASLEY to private and public customers

Netcompany launches the AI solution EASLEY to private and public customers

13 November 2023: After nearly 8,000 employees at Netcompany tested the product in recent months, the AI solution EASLEY is now ready for launch for private and public customers. EASLEY is a secure generative AI solution that protects data while being independent of specific AI models.

Netcompany is now offering a secure model-independent AI solution for businesses and public institutions. Named after NASA’s pioneering computer scientist Annie Easley, EASLEY assists Netcompany with tasks ranging from navigating complex corporate documentation, writing proposals and contracts, to generating and quality-assuring code.

In general, EASLEY empowers companies to embark on generative artificial intelligence across the entire organization with a secure, centralized solution that protects customers’ data privacy. EASLEY can be used for many purposes, enhancing overall productivity and efficiency.

»It's essential that companies in the early stages of generative AI don't tie themselves to specific vendors' algorithms while ensuring they have control over their data and can document how they use them with AI. That's precisely the philosophy behind EASLEY« 

André Rogaczewski, CEO of Netcompany, where the solution has been tested internally over the past few months.

EASLEY is not just a chat tool. At Netcompany, it’s already integrated into the core systems to ensure AI support and automation of manual processes. Furthermore, EASLEY makes companies entirely independent of specific Large Language Models (LLM), allowing for easy replacement with others as models mature and evolve in the coming months and years.

EASLEY is a flexible AI solution that integrates with virtually all existing LLMs on the market, such as GPT-4, LLama-2, and PaLM. The integration is done in a way that ensures raw data is not shared with third parties. These models can be combined with custom algorithms, and EASLEY’s flexibility ensures that the most suitable model is used for any given task.

»At Netcompany, we use EASLEY with both GPT-4 and our own algorithms tailored to our needs. This enables employees to streamline the process of quality control for what we do. However, as a company, we have full control over all data, so we won’t lose anything by switching model providers in the future,« says André Rogaczewski.

»We have had an overwhelming interest in sharing experiences using a tool like EASLEY as a safe and independent way to implement generative AI. We invite our customers and partners to take a look at EASLEY and get started on this important journey,« says André Rogaczewski.

For media inquiries

David Tarp, Head of PR and Public Affairs, Netcompany

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David Tarp

Head of PR and Public Affairs