Growing instability raises flows of immigrants across borders near and across Europe, sending millions of people into asylum over the coming years. This is by far one of the most critical sociopolitical situations we face as European societies.
Some EU countries have devised short-term, pragmatic approaches to address immigration issues. However, none of these have yielded scalable, long-term societal benefits across EU member states. Urgently, we are in need of common solutions to effectively address the growing challenge. Solutions prioritising safety, efficiency, and sustainability, serving the interests of all societies.
After dedicated exploration, we believe we have found a viable answer. Through a digital, scalable approach, our aim is to streamline and expedite the processing of individual registry cases, encompassing registration and processing of asylum cases, management of return journeys, or facilitating smoother social integration. Technology will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in this approach, minimising resource consumption and costs.