EU Institutions

Netcompany helps EU Institutions support and implement their policies while at the same time interacting with their targeted user communities. In doing so, we have gained valuable experience and a thorough and rare understanding of the complexities and sensitivities of EU Institutions.


Our EU government business activities have allowed us to acquire specific skills such as the ability to deal with large, trans-governmental, multilingual and geographically dispersed systems, and the comprehension and utilisation of specific vertical technologies and outsourcing of entire business activities under elaborate Service Level Agreements (SLA). These skills have enabled Netcompany to become a major provider of IT services to the EU Institutions.


Application Development & Integration Services

Development and Integration Services represents a significant volume of our business activity in the EU. Building, integrating, deploying and maintaining information systems that support the free movement of people, capital, services and goods across Europe and around the world, is the area where we lead the competition.

We have designed and built some of the largest and most complex IT systems in the European Commission.


IT Resourcing Services

Netcompany is one of the leading providers pf professional services to the European Institutions. We provide resourcing solutions across a wide area of IT-related fields based on thorough candidate-selection and placement methodologies. Our vast pool of potential resource remains a guarantee for success.


Managed Services

Managed Services is one of Netcompany’s core activity areas, based on the ITL most widely accepted approach. The Managed Services delivery group provides services for Service Design, Transition and Operation. We have been providing advice, designs and implementation strategies of ITL-based supprt services for more than 30.000 users in Europe.


Research & Innovation Development

We recognize that research & innovation is a key enabler for future growth and new business creation. Netcompany has its own Research & Innovation Development (RID) Department that actively contributes to the development of innovative research prototypes.

Would you like to know more?

Reach out to

Kim Clausen Agerskov

Partner, Public sector