A Holistic Approach to Airport Modernisation

We Help Airports Turn Data into Action.

Airport challenges

While the numbers vary, the overall trend persists. The global commercial aviation fleet is expected to increase by a third over the next 10 years (source: Wyman.) Assuming an annual growth of 5.8% in passenger traffic, more than 19 billion passengers will pass through world airports by 2040 (ACI World).

From Air Traffic Control (ATC), Airport Operations, Commercial aspects, and Safety & Compliance, Smart Cities and Sustainability, general industry growth influences many trajectories and areas at once.

The industry grows rapidly

The global commercial aviation fleet is expected to increase by a third over the next 10 years. The number of passengers will double.


Complexity increases

Complexity increases the need for AI and data-driven decisions and eco-system orchestration.

Investments remain capital intensive

Capital intensity and long incubation periods mean airport investments need to be just right.



Capacity is constrained

Airports are restricted by their environments, which means they cannot simply increase in size to accommodate growth.

The industry is society-critical

Airports are a major contributor to the EU’s overall economy and employment, supporting close to 5 million jobs and delivering over €300 billion, or 2.1% to European GDP (source: European Commission), and these numbers will only increase in the future.

Sustainability ambitions are high

Airport growth and transition to sustainable operations need to be linked.


We understand that the world of airport operations is changing fast. To keep up, it’s not enough to have the latest technology. It’s about really knowing how to use data effectively and being ready to innovate and work together. At Netcompany, we focus on practical solutions.

Our people are always on-site

We do not just deliver a standardised product and then leave. We have experts on-site, as close as possible to where the problems are.


We provide cross-industry experience

Contrary to most providers of airport solutions, Netcompany has developed extensive expertise across all airport areas, including financial services, retail, logistics, and the public sector. With Avinor – the operator of 43 airports and the airspace over Norway – we are currently developing tailored and comprehensive consultancy services across each sub-sector.

We provide continuous innovation

No matter whether you choose a platform or broad consultancy, Netcompany’s solutions are modular. This ensures continuous innovation. Using our Airhart platform, Copenhagen Airport has become one of the world’s most digitalised airports, with 46 different organisations across Copenhagen Airport working together on a common real-time database that is continually updated.

We apply domain expertise

Besides strong cross-industry knowledge, Netcompany has built strong domain knowledge by collaborating closely with several airports over many years. This ensures cohesiveness.

Solution by type

Customer testimonials

»Netcompany has already demonstrated its capacity to innovate the airport industry by leveraging its experience in financial services, retail, logistics, and the public sector. At Avinor, we firmly believe that cross-industry knowledge promotes innovation and helps identify best practices and avoid pitfalls«
Abraham Foss

CEO, Avinor

»It is a significant advantage to have all data and information consolidated into one system. With the AIRHART platform, we can continue our efforts to maintain our position as one of the most digitialised airports in the world«
Christian Poulsen

CEO of Copenhagen Airport

Area-specific solutions

Air Traffic Control (ATC)


Air traffic volume increases, significantly straining existing resources and infrastructure. Adverse weather conditions disrupt operations, human errors, communication lapses, and coordination issues amongst the international aviation community present constant hurdles. Lastly, the ever-present threat of cyber-attacks on air traffic control systems underlines the need for robust security measures.



Netcompany’s consultancy services provide insights to optimally manage increasing traffic volumes and develop effective contingency plans for adverse weather conditions. Our consultants also offer solutions for reducing human errors and improving international coordination. Importantly, we place a strong emphasis on cybersecurity, advising on robust measures to safeguard systems. Through our bespoke consultancy services, we enable airports and ATC providers to navigate their unique challenges and achieve operational excellence.

Operations and Automation


Airports are increasingly leveraging data-driven operations and automation to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. However, this shift brings significant challenges. One of the primary issues is the integration of disparate data sources, which can lead to data inconsistency. Additionally, the real-time processing and analysis of vast data quantities for instant decisions are putting enormous pressure on existing IT infrastructure.



The potential of AI in this sphere is substantial. AI can provide powerful decision support, helping to predict passenger flow, optimize resource allocation, and improve flight operations. This includes data integration services, real-time data processing, and predictive analytics. Netcompany’s AI-driven solutions leverage this wealth of experience to provide actionable insights for immediate decision-making. Additionally, focus on skill development ensures that airport staff can effectively manage and utilize these sophisticated technologies. With Netcompany, airports gain a partner with a proven track record and a deep understanding of Airports’ operational needs.

Smart City & Sustainability


As airports transition to smart city models, they grapple with issues like complex infrastructure management, data security, and seamless integration with other city components. The high energy demand, environmental impact, and constant need for advanced technology place great strain on sustainability endeavours. Furthermore, striking a balance between providing high-quality services and minimizing environmental footprints is a constant struggle.



Netcompany provides comprehensive IT solutions and consultancy addressing airport challenges in smart city integration and sustainability. Their unique proposition includes tailored digital transformation strategies, data analytics for energy optimization, and stringent data security. Their expertise efficiently navigates the complexities of airport digitization, balances high-quality services and environmental impact, ensuring a sustainable, smart future for airports.



Airports face hurdles in retail management due to fluctuating passenger demographics and evolving consumer trends. Parking services must balance efficiency, accessibility and profitability, often in limited space. In terms of real estate, airports grapple with maximizing usage and revenue from assets within strict zoning and regulatory constraints. These challenges require innovative strategies, advanced technologies, and meticulous planning to effectively manage and optimize airport commercial operations.



Netcompany leverages sophisticated data analytics to harness valuable insights, enabling airports to make informed decisions in retail operations and parking management. They use predictive analytics to optimize real estate usage, maximizing revenue within regulatory constraints. Netcompany’s unique value proposition is its data-driven approach that transforms operations, driving efficiency, profitability, and enhanced passenger experiences. With Netcompany, airports are empowered to make data-driven decisions that strategically position them for success.

Passenger & Baggage Flow


Airports worldwide face significant challenges managing passenger and baggage flow. High traffic volumes, security protocols, and logistical complexities make efficient flow management a daunting task. Further, sudden flight changes, weather conditions, and equipment malfunctions can disrupt the smooth operation. The integration of different systems – check-in, security, boarding, and baggage handling – amplifies the complexity. Ensuring a seamless, hassle-free experience for passengers while maintaining stringent security measures and operational efficiency is a critical challenge.



Netcompany is a frontrunner in providing innovative, digital solutions to tackle airport challenges. Our unique selling points include advanced data analytics capabilities, facilitating real-time decision making for efficient passenger and baggage flow. They offer integrated systems solutions, merging disparate processes like check-in, security, and boarding into one seamless operation. Our expertise in digital transformation helps airports automate and streamline operations, enhancing efficiency. Furthermore, our solutions are adaptable, allowing for swift response to unexpected changes. Lastly, Netcompany ensures high security standards, ensuring data protection and compliance.

Backoffice & Business


Airports are complex environments, managing a vast array of back-office and business operations that require seamless integration for optimal performance. They grapple with numerous challenges, including managing high volumes of data from various sources, ensuring security and compliance, coordinating diverse teams, and maintaining uninterrupted communication. Furthermore, airports face the pressure of ensuring customer satisfaction while managing costs effectively. Technological advancements, such as AI and IoT, have raised customer expectations for personalised and efficient experiences, adding another layer of complexity. The ability to meet these challenges effectively determines an airport’s success in today’s competitive and rapidly evolving landscape.



Netcompany provides comprehensive experience in implementing solutions designed to streamline data management, improve security compliance, and enhance team coordination. We leverage our extensive multi-industry experience to provide bespoke digital transformation strategies, which can optimize cost-efficiency while maintaining superior service levels. Netcompany’s expertise in integrating and automating back-office processes helps airports to overcome operational bottlenecks, leading to increased productivity and smoother business operations.

Safety & Compliance


Airports globally confront a dynamic set of challenges regarding safety and compliance. Ensuring the safety of passengers, staff, and aircraft operations constitutes an enormous responsibility that requires continuous monitoring and compliance with stringent regulatory standards. These challenges include maintaining cybersecurity, managing crowd control, mitigating physical threats, enforcing rigorous safety protocols, and adhering to evolving aviation regulations. The complexity is amplified by the need to balance these safety measures with efficient airport operations. The dynamic nature of threats, both physical and digital, demands constant vigilance and innovative solutions to maintain an airport’s safety and compliance standards.



Netcompany addresses airport safety and compliance challenges through its state-of-the-art solutions. Their cybersecurity expertise offers robust protection against digital threats, ensuring secure operations. They adhere strictly to airport industry standards, guaranteeing compliance with aviation regulations. Netcompany’s unique selling points lie in the seamless integration of these elements, providing a comprehensive solution that balances safety, compliance, and efficiency in airport operations. This holistic approach sets Netcompany apart in addressing the complex challenges within the airport industry.


Smarter Airports

Smarter Airports was established in 2019 by Copenhagen Airports and Netcompany as a joint venture to deliver a new market-leading digital platform for efficient and sustainable airport operations of the future. Smarter Airports combine the best of two worlds to challenge the status quo and deliver world-class agile services that add true business value – for airports by airports. AIRHART is a modular total airport management platform developed by Smarter Airports, enabling airports and all stakeholders to become smarter. AIRHART facilitates an effective eco-system for optimizing operations, passenger experience, commercial excellence and the ability to adapt to new needs – faster.

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Mehdi Motaghiani