Meimona Hakim
Meimona Hakim considers herself a “developer under development”. As a young talent in IT, she joined Netcompany at the end of 2022, and she has already distinguished herself through her drive and willingness to learn something new. Today, she enjoys her day-to-day as a software developer at Netcompany, where she currently works on a project for the municipality of Oslo, creating more efficient and optimized digital service offerings to benefit both citizens and businesses in Oslo.
Ever since Meimona was a child and watched her father work with computers, she has been fascinated with technology and IT. Eventually, her interest led her to pursue a degree in computer science.
»I have always been interested in technology, and especially how different components are connected. When my application for admission to a degree in informatics at the University of Oslo got accepted, I finally got an opportunity to learn even more about one of my favorite things – IT!«
Combining IT and taekwondo
During Meimona`s studies, technology played a major role in her everyday life, and she enjoyed spending her spare time on coding. Still, she also maintained an active lifestyle by attending taekwondo classes every week.
»While studying informatics, I obtained a deeper understanding of how technology works in practice, and I always wanted to learn more. Therefore, I started coding and making my own websites in my spare time. Still, I always made sure that I could attend some taekwondo classes every week. For me, it was, and still is, a great way to get a break from the tech-world and shut off my brain for a short period«, Meimona laughs.
Meimona Hakim
Working with IT projects that matter
Meimona has always aspired to make an impact, and during her studies she worked as a volunteer in an organization that helps orphans. After completing her studies, her interest in helping others highly influenced her decision to join Netcompany in 2022.
»My first impression of Netcompany was that no days are alike. Also, I like that I’m given the opportunity to become a part of the whole project journey and work with projects that make a difference in our society. For instance, on the project with the municipality of Oslo, I get to work with critical security issues such as providing the right authorisation to the right people«, Meimona says.
Working in Netcompany, Meimona especially appreciates the teamwork and collaboration that exists between her and her colleagues. »I have always felt included by my colleagues, and I believe that the feeling of immediately becoming a part of the team has made it easier to thrive, both personally and professionally. With this, I have gained new friends, who I learn something new from every day, and it enables me to continue my growth.«