Data Manager Mathias Engel is not your typical IT consultant. He holds a degree in physics and has formerly worked as a statistician in a group of leading cancer researchers. Today he uses his scientific skill set leading Netcompany projects involving advanced machine learning, data testing, and analysis.
Can you sell noodles at McDonald’s? they once asked themselves at the fast food chain in South Korea.
An employee had an idea. They could buy a bunch of big pots, stock up on a variety of flavoured noodles, and then test it out at a couple of restaurants. But then someone else chimed in with a twist: »I can do it for just €10, all I need is a marker and a sign. We’ll slap ‘noodles’ on the menu and see if anyone orders. If they do, we’ll just tell them we’re sold out,« Mathias Engel says paraphrasing a story he recently heard.
»The first approach is thoughtful, structured, and methodical. The second? A scrappy shortcut straight to the answer. And that’s the kind of thinking I’m chasing in my work–creatively hacking your way to clarity.«
For the past six years, Mathias Engel has combined such a structured, methodical approach with creative problem-solving to drive projects involving advanced machine learning at Netcompany. But this wasn’t exactly a preordained position.
The 34-year-old holds a degree in physics and prior to starting at Netcompany he spent five years with a group of experts researching cancer and systems biology on a track to a position among leading scientists.
Today he might have hung his lab coat, entering the world of IT, but at the heart of his work is still experimenting. And by creating small ‘research teams’ within his projects, he’s testing hypotheses to quickly determine what can and should be built for a client.
»When I started studying physics, my focus was on the non-living world, so to speak. Then I shifted to biological systems, and today I work with human systems at Netcompany,« Mathias says reflecting upon his career crossover. But throughout the journey, the motivation has been the same.
»I need this overarching purpose in what I do—it’s what keeps me inspired.«
The right path isn’t always a straight line. We often navigate twists and turns, gaining new perspectives that shape our destinations along the way. In this series you’ll meet some of the Netcompany talents that have transitioned into the world of IT, bringing diverse skills and viewpoints to the company.