»It’s both a commitment and a motivation to come in with experience«

»It’s both a commitment and a motivation to come in with experience«

Monica Coman and Martin Hjort Eriksen share their experiences of starting new jobs as experienced IT professionals with management responsibilities.

Even with many years of experience, starting at a new workplace can be challenging. Taking on responsibility and managing colleagues who have been with the company for longer than you have can feel like a big contrast to overcome.

This is what Monica Coman and Martin Hjort Eriksen experienced when they decided to leave their previous jobs and accept new challenges at Netcompany.

They both agree that it requires a willingness to learn while daring to trust your own abilities and stand by your decisions.

In this article, they reflect on their career change and share their learnings.

The culture at Netcompany was the decisive factor

After more than 13 years in the Danish financial sector and retail industry, Martin was ready to challenge himself and embark on a new career adventure in 2021. What his next step would be wasn’t clear to him at the time, so he decided to explore his options within different industries and companies.

This led to what Martin describes as a bit of a luxury problem, as he had several job offers on his hand. However, it was the clear, structured framework and consistent feedback that was decisive in his decision to accept a career at Netcompany.

»I remember that at my job interview at Netcompany, I was introduced to the company’s unique feedback culture combined with a very special way of approaching clients and projects that particularly piqued my interest in Netcompany as a workplace.«

»No matter your title or role, everybody plays a crucial part in helping to ensure that a delivery is a success.«

Martin Hjort Eriksen

It was very much “learning by doing”

Monica joined Netcompany in December 2018 after four years working for a smaller IT company, where she had gained extensive experience in areas such as agile development and team management.

Despite her professional experience, Monica had one challenge.

The Danish language.

»I’m originally from Romania, and when I came to Netcompany, I wasn’t yet completely comfortable with the Danish language. Therefore, it was a huge advantage to have a lot of professional experience that I could lean on when I started working at Netcompany.«


Today, Monica openly admits that taking on a job where her colleagues knew more about the company than she did was challenging.

»It was difficult at times to be new and at the same time have to take on this leadership role. There’s just more expected of you when you’re hired in a senior role,« she recalls.

Although Monica’s start was intense and the learning curve was steep, professionally, linguistically, and culturally, she doesn’t regret taking the plunge and throwing herself in at the deep end.

»I have never learnt as much as I have during my time at Netcompany. I still develop every day when I go to work and there are still many new opportunities for me to explore,« she says.

Monica Coman

Martin Hjort Eriksen also recognises this experience when he thinks back to his start at Netcompany. For him, his previous experience was also an important tool that he could utilise when faced with unfamiliar issues.

»The fact that you have solid professional experience makes it possible to break down processes into smaller parts when faced with unfamiliar tasks or challenges,« says Martin, who also emphasises that even if you start in a senior role, there is always help from your colleagues.

»One of the things that I think particularly characterises Netcompany is the community that I experience daily across the entire company. We work together as a team,« he says.

»Never before have I experienced such a good work-life balance«

Although the role as an experienced professional comes with different obligations and expectations, both Monica and Martin emphasise that they experience a high degree of work-life balance in their daily lives.

»Of course, at times, you’ll have to work long hours as a consultant, anything else would be a lie, but because the work is so structured and well-organised with transparent workflows, it’s much easier for me to work efficiently when I’m working and then completely shut down and spend time with my family when I go home from work,« says Martin.

For Monica, flexibility is also one of the things she particularly appreciates about her job.

»I experience flexibility and an accommodating attitude towards your private interests and dreams, which helps me create a good work-life balance. For example, I hadn’t been employed for long when my husband and I wanted to take leave to travel for four months, which was a big dream for us and was only received positively by my manager,« says Monica.

Three tips for starting a new job as an experienced professional

»It’s important that you dare to stand up for yourself and speak your mind. My experience has shown me that people are always open to listening to you, and I find it very motivating to create change beyond Netcompany« – Monica

»Go to the job interviews, be curious and talk to the companies and the people who already work there. You often learn more about yourself and the companies when you meet them in person, and it can make it much easier to choose what the next step in your career should be« – Martin

»Step out of your comfort zone and be open to learning new technologies and methods, but don’t be afraid to apply your own experience. You’re never too old to develop and acquire new knowledge, which is ultimately crucial for success« – Monica