The challenge
The manufacturing and materials value chain is mind-bogglingly complex. Modern smartphones, for instance, consist of thousands of physical parts, with raw material extraction, R&D, design, component manufacturing, assembly, and more spread across dozens of countries and continents.
For the chain to operate smoothly, efficient collaboration across all links is crucial. Data on materials or manufacturing equipment and services are often stored in varying formats on disparate platforms across the chain, ultimately blocking collaboration and increasing consumer prices.
Traditional e-commerce platforms have failed to facilitate the procurement of production equipment and services. Too high complexity combined with such platforms’ winner-takes-all logic has left the search for industrial data to pedestrian practices like browsing the Internet, attending trade shows, and talking with commercial and technical experts.
MARKET4.0 proved to be a step in the right direction. With MARKET4.0, all parts of the manufacturing value chain – from production equipment and service providers to original equipment manufacturers – can share data using secure IDS (International Data Spaces) technology.
However, one marketplace alone will not solve the problem. Despite overlapping value chains, OPTIMADE, a marketplace for the materials industry, has so far been disconnected from MARKET4.0.